Elizabeth Sherrill Master’s Writing Workshop—Tuesday

Authors of such Christian classics as The Hiding Place (Corrie Ten Boom), Cross and the Switchblade (David Wilkerson), and God's Smuggler (Bro. Andrew), Elizabeth and John Sherrill have ghostwritten, co-authored and edited more books and articles than I can grasp. They were editors and contributors of the Guideposts Magazine back in the day when people thought it was a travel magazine, if they’d heard of it all. The Sherrills traveled coast-to-coast, up to Alaska and around the world, writing over two thousand stories of real people and the great work God had performed in their lives. In April 2012, I had the privilege of attending Elizabeth Sherrill’s Master’s Writers Workshop. The week I spent at YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Woodcrest was so huge it’s hard to approach in a mere blog post. So I’m going to make it a six part series, taking it one day at a time with the hope I can be as interesting my witty teachers.

Tuesday—Meetings and…Meetings

The whirlwind continued on Day Two. I couldn’t take notes fast enough, laugh hard enough, and thank God enough times for letting me sit and learn under master storytellers.

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The joy and excitement bubbled over that evening when I hosted my group, Christian Writers Gathering. Yes, my mom picked me up from the Woodcrest facilities and drove home that evening for a quick shower and prep for the Gathering. I left the campus in such a tizzy I forgot to grab my makeup bag and hairbrush. Ah well. There are more important things in life.

April’s Gathering was special in that we celebrated our one year anniversary as a group with renting the historic Blackwell House and enjoying refreshments. I couldn’t stop myself from sharing story after story I’d heard in just two days, and I included Elizabeth Sherrill’s Seven Steps to Publication, and her manuscript evaluation formula.

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Somewhere around eleven that night, I made it back to my dorm room. I settled in for another attempt at sleep, still pinching myself.

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Next post I share a confirmation for my mission in writing. And also a picture of “Lake” YWAM.

Are you part of a writing group or book club? What do you share at it?



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