New Novel Set in the Old Choctaw Nation

Traitors Press Release:

 New Novel Set in the Old Choctaw Nation

“Someone’s going to be king in this territory. No reason it can’t be me. It sure won’t be you.” 

Traitors, (Choctaw Tribune Series, Book 2) picks up a storyline started in the well-received novel, The Executions (Book 1). Set in 1890s Choctaw Nation, the Choctaw Tribune Series follows the journey of a fictional mixed-blood Choctaw family as they encounter the real events and real history in Indian Territory before Oklahoma became a state. A historical fiction series with a Western flare, these Native stories explore racial, political, spiritual, and social issues in the old Choctaw Nation—and beyond.

From the back cover of Traitors:



Someone is tearing at the fabric of the Choctaw Nation while political turmoil, assassinations, and feuds threaten the sovereignty of the tribe, which stands under the U.S. government’s scrutiny.

When heated words turn to hot lead, Ruth Ann Teller—a mixed-blood Choctaw—fears losing her brother, who won’t settle for anything but the truth. Matthew is determined to use his newspaper, the Choctaw Tribune, to uncover the scheme behind Mayor Thaddeus Warren’s claim to the townsite of Dickens. Matthew is willing to risk his newspaper—and his life—to uncover a traitor among their people.

But when Ruth Ann tries to help, she causes more harm than good—especially after the mayor brings in Lance Fuller, a schoolteacher from New York, to provide a rare educational opportunity for white children.

How does this charming yet aloof young man fit into the mayor’s scheme? When attacks against the newspaper strike and bullets fly, a trip to the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 is the key to saving the Choctaw Tribune and Matthew’s investigation. But Ruth Ann must find the courage to face a journey to the White City—without her brother.


Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer is an award-winning inspirational author, speaker, and Choctaw storyteller. Traitors is her fifth published book. Since 2013, she’s released Touch My Tears: Tales from the Trail of Tears, Tushpa’s Story (Touch My Tears Collection), The Executions (Choctaw Tribune Series, Book 1), and Third Side of the Coin (A Short Story Collection). The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian has honored her as a literary artist for her work in preserving Trail of Tears stories. She partners with her mother, Lynda Kay Sawyer, in research for projects. Learn more about their work to preserve Choctaw history and culture at

Traitors is available through the Choctaw Store and on Amazon.


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